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"Unfinished," issue 56, now online!


Falling in love with India
Ministry in India is strategic for the global Church. The Mission Society's field in India is growing at a rapid rate. Our missionaries are involved in ministries such as medical care, pastoral training, homes and schools for orphans, business, and counseling. This new issue of Unfinished takes a look at the challenges and opportunities for ministry in this ancient land, which is taking a new place on the world’s stage.
Unfinished 56

Dr. Ravi David, a native of India and a Mission Society missionary, offers these prayer points for India. Please pray for India as you read through this issue.

How to pray for India

India is the second largest nation in the world with a population of over 1.2 billion people (second only to China). It is a land of cultural, linguistic, religious and ethnic diversity. India has a religious quest which is evident in the active engagement of people with regular religious activities, including performance of rituals and pilgrimages, seeking salvation, peace and forgiveness of sins.

These are the very things that Christ came to give freely to all of humanity. Pray that in their quest for salvation, Indians may encounter Christ and find salvation in Him (Romans 10:1).

  • Pray that the message of the gospel is communicated plainly and powerfully without deception or distortion so that the light of the gospel will remove the evil one’s blinding (2 Cor 4:1-6).
  • Pray that the message of God’s love would be communicated in ways that are contextually relevant and culturally sensitive.
  • Pray also that the Church in India would be salt and light demonstrating the love of God, the glory of the gospel and the message of hope.
  • Pray that every work would be produced by faith, labor prompted by love and endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thess 1:3).
  • Pray for Christians in India that God may give wisdom, revelation, enlightenment, hope and power (Eph 1: 15-22).
  • Pray also for unity and authentic love within the body of Christ thus demonstrating characteristics of followers of Jesus (John 13:34, 35).  
  • Pray for those in authority in government, for businesses, education, social work, judiciary, the arts and entertainment (I Tim 2: 1-4).  Praise God for the major contributions that Christians have made in the fields of education, health care and social work among the poor and the needy.
  • India is a young nation with the majority of the population under the age of 30. Pray for the youth of India that they would not be destroyed pursuits that lead to destruction. Pray for ministries that engage children, youth and young adults with the gospel that they would be creative and innovative as they relate with youth in a globalized culture.
  • Pray also for families. Indians value family connections and community. With increased urbanisation, globalisation and upward mobility has come materialism and pursuits of lifestyles that are destructive to families. Pray for stable homes that cherish and propagate the great Indian heritage of strong family ties.
  • Amidst many challenges and opposition to the work of the gospel, pray that God may open doors and that the message would be shared clearly (Col 4: 3, 4). Pray that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured and that messengers be delivered from unreasonable people (2 Thess 3: 1, 2).
  • Finally pray for the millions of Indians that live outside of India that they would have opportunities to engage with the risen Lord.