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Uncompromising faith


Esther is a friend of mine and a member of the church I pastor in northern Ghana, Kunyukuo Methodist Church. Esther’s daughter moved to the south, hoping to find work carrying things at market. Not long after, Esther received word that her daughter had passed away.

Esther traveled to the south for the funeral and burial of her daughter. Tradition in this area of the country also requires a funeral to be performed in the deceased’s home village. As Esther and her ex-husband were planning the funeral, they encountered a problem.

Esther follows Jesus and her ex-husband follows the traditional religion. The elders wanted to perform the traditional rites at the funeral, but Esther refused. "I am a Christian. I will not take part in these rites," she said. The elders of the village were angry with her.

I rode my motorcycle over to the house and met with Esther and the other people gathered to plan the funeral. We decided that, while the father and elders were administering the traditional rites, Esther would meet with a pastor and we would have a Christian service for her daughter.

I was so touched by Esther’s faith. She did not compromise in a difficult situation. Her faith held firm. Usually, in this place that has a mix of Christianity, Islam, and traditional religions, both parents’ religions are represented. But Esther held onto her convictions and was not afraid to speak up.

I spoke at the funeral as well, commending Esther for her faith. Then I removed the cross necklace I had been wearing since I arrived in Ghana. It has the word "faith" written on the side of it. I put it around Esther's neck and told her to continue sharing her faith. The cross itself has no power, but Who it represents does. I encouraged Esther to tell her story of faith in the One True God when people asked about the cross she was now wearing.

Then I sat down next to Esther and we grieved together. I pray that the Lord will continue to keep Esther's faith strong until the day she sees Him face to face.

Sue Kolljeski serves in northern Ghana, West Africa. She co-pastors Kalsagri Church and teaches reading skills to preschool and elementary-aged children in Lawra, Ghana. She previously led a ministry to disabled children, which is now run by nationals.