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TMS Global
PO Box 936559
Atlanta, GA 31193-6559
"Recently I was reminded of the profound, sometimes unseen, impact of God's work in the world through TMS Global," writes President and CEO Jim Ramsay. He had just received an unexpected message from a former student, Dinara Mukhametova.* "She attended the school that Jim's small TMS Global team planted in Kazakhstan more than 20 years ago, when he and his wife, Shawn, served there as cross-cultural witnesses with their family.
Here's what Dinara wrote:
I grew up not knowing God, and even as a student, I didn’t yet see His presence in my life. I memorized Scripture only to earn a good grade and learn English. Little did I know, seeds were being planted in my heart. Years later, those seeds would take root, transforming my life. Today, I am deeply grateful for the sacrifices you made for us.
After moving to the US, Dinara gave her life to Christ and began a new chapter with her own family—a new legacy of devotion to Jesus that now spans generations. Today, she leads a women’s ministry in her California church, where she passes on the values she first encountered through TMS Global.
"The only reason we know about this remarkable fruit in Dinara’s life is because she took the time to write to me," says Jim.
Dinara represents countless others whose lives have been transformed by Jesus through the work of TMS Global, thanks to the prayers and support of readers like you. The kingdom of God is breaking out. "The water is rising," says one student of revivals. "It's an exciting time in the Church around the world. ...We are in a sea change moment."
For 40 years, God has used TMS Global to advance His kingdom. In this Advent season, we remember how the world waited for a Savior. Approximately 41.7 percent of people around the globe have little or no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are still longing for a Savior!
As you read the impact report here, know that each number represents people whose lives have been marked by the transforming love of God. We are deeply grateful to partner with you in offering Christ Jesus to the world.
*A pseudonym is used for security purposes.