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The gospel of peace: Two warring tribes see transformation through Christ


The Rev. Simon Mwaura is a pastor in Kenya. He attended The Mission Society’s Orientation Training in 2010 and applied the principles he learned to the group of missionaries and pastors he oversees. Just two years earlier, he had founded God’s Grace for All Nations (GGFAN) in 2008. The goal of GGFAN is to make the gospel more accessible to Kenya’s 22 unreached and least reached tribes. GGFAN’s strategy is to work cross-culturally and incarnationally among all tribes to identify and to equip indigenous leadership in each tribe to plant reproducing Christian congregations. 

Julius is a Kenyan missionary to the Samburu tribe with GGFAN. The Samburu and Pokot tribes are archenemies which experience frequent conflict, often in the form of raids and cattle rustling, even escalating to murder. The situation is often very unstable in the border regions between the tribes. As Julius was speaking to a Samburu chief who lives in one of those regions, the chief remarked that there had been various government programs and seminars on conflict resolution, but nothing had helped the rivalry between the two people groups. However, now that the gospel has been preached in both communities, he has noticed a change. The Pokots and Samburus have begun to realize that they are both worshiping the same God; consequently they are beginning to see past their differences. The chief noted that the gospel is the only thing that has made peace possible among the two people groups.

Julius plans to plant churches in both the Samburu and Pokot communities with the hope that the gospel will transform this traditional rivalry.