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Springtime in Paris means new life


Being one of the most visited cities in the world, Paris is renowned for its historical and cultural significance, as well as its unparalleled beauty. The thought of springtime in Paris evokes idyllic images of radiant flowers, couples walking hand-in-hand by the shores of the Seine River, or baked delicacies and rich coffee at one of a multitude of outdoor eateries. Yet behind those lovely scenes lies a startling statistic.

France has one of the highest suicide rates in the European Union. A study released in 2013 showed that there were 11,000 suicides per year in France. Twenty times that number attempt suicide annually. Among 25-34 year olds, suicide is the leading cause of death.

But springtime in Paris this year has brought new life to one young man through the ministries of Gustavo and Dalila Faleiro. The Faleiros moved to France from their home country of Brazil in 2010 as part of The Mission Society’s collaboration with INFORM, the mission arm of the Brazilian Methodist Church. In Paris, the Faleiros began their ministry by serving through La Fonderie, an outreach to support and encourage Christians working in the creative arts.

Besides providing a place and opportunity for growth in their artistic professions, Gustavo and Dalila also provide a place and opportunity for discipleship and worship. Despite living in what many consider to be a post-Christian society, the Faleiros are seeing growth in their faith community, one of a rising number of Protestant churches reaching a city of more than two million people. As they celebrate the church’s second anniversary, Gustavo says, “Now we are starting to realize a new season. We are starting to have a time to see some beautiful fruit coming up before our eyes.”

That growth is not only numerical. No, growth is also revealed in the new life found by those who enter the doors of Eglise Bonne Nouvelle (“Good News Church”). In a recent video update, Gustavo mentioned a young man who was contemplating suicide at the end of 2014. This young man could easily have become just another statistic in France. Instead, he found new hope and new life, drawn first to the La Fonderie art gallery, then to the church where he came to services occasionally through 2014. He even began to attend a small group the Faleiros hosted in their home. But Gustavo questioned, “We were not sure about the effects. Is he getting something or not?” The answer came in a surprising way at the end of the year.

This young man came and told them, “I would love to share something with you. I would love for the year of 2015 to be different. I had decided that this year, 2014, would be the last year of my life. This would be the last one. I was going to be put an end to it. But because of all this, I changed my mind. I want to go further. I want a new year. I want something new, more important, and more relevant in my life.”

Gustavo and Dalila are incredibly grateful to see how they are being used by God to bring the hope of new life in Paris this spring.