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Signs of hope in South Sudan


Jim Ramsay, vice president for mission ministries, recently visited Mission Society missionaries in South Sudan, South Africa, and Tanzania. Here he discusses what he saw in the new nation of South Sudan, and how God is at work there.

South Sudan has been an independent nation for just over two years, and her freedom was only accomplished after decades of civil war and the brutal oppression of the people of the South. Many of the people here spent years in refugee camps across the nearby borders of Congo and Uganda, or took shelter in the forests away from their homes. Therefore, the government and infrastructure is nearly being recreated from scratch.

Today I got to meet a young man named Justice. He directs a small children's home that provides for 18 "double orphans" (meaning both parents are deceased and no relatives are available to take them). He proudly showed me around the facility with the various innovations they have, including solar power batteries since there is no access to central electricity, a cooking stove that uses firewood with high efficiency, a drying rack and washing stations that reduce the likelihood of disease, and beds for the children each equipped with mosquito nets.

Justice is studying business administration online. He works with our missionary doctors here, Lynn and Sharon Fogleman, as they serve in public health training, especially focusing on husband responsibility in helping reduce the high rate of infant mortality and maternal death during childbirth. He has a strong faith and also hopes to study theology, so he can strengthen the church.

South Sudan is a very difficult place, and many years of hard work will be required for this new nation to get on its feet. But with people like Justice, I can see that the seeds of hope are already here.