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She called him 'Father'


Charles and Rachel Martin* minister in a Central Asian country where Christianity is not prominent. They coordinate an outreach to children from disadvantaged families who struggle with issues of alcoholism and poverty. The ministry provides a safe place, a warm meal, and a loving hug to children at risk. The Martins also run an English Club which targets young adults and least reached people. The English Club offers tutoring in English, and the students discuss with the Martins topics of interest, such as faith.

Charles and Rachel began fostering five girls from the orphanage several years ago. “Going from a childless family to having five teenage daughters was quite a shock!” Charles stated. “But it is also such a blessing.”

Many of their foster daughters’ friends come by the Martins’ apartment to visit, eat, and spend time together. Most of them spend Saturday nights with the Martins and attend church with them on Sundays. One young woman, Ulana,* started spending a good deal of time in their home.

“Ulana grew up in the same orphanage as our daughters. She was a tough kid but also has a gentle heart and a warm disposition. Ulana became very interested in spiritual things, enjoyed going to church, and signed up to attend the church’s Alpha Course, which is a study for seekers or new believers. She enjoyed it and went to two church weekend retreats during the next year.”

At age 17, Ulana had to leave the orphanage and fend for herself. She enrolled in culinary school. Ulana was required to have an internship, which she completed at the Martins’ outreach ministry. She soon won over the hearts of the staff and children.

“She often comes over to our home and likes to try out new recipes. When I have given her money to go buy groceries, she has been surprised at the amount I’ve entrusted to her, and always shops carefully and brings me back the change. She enjoys watching us cook American recipes as well, and likes to help. She was really surprised to see a man cook!”

“One day, Ulana was cooking at our house,” remembered Charles. “She kept asking me ‘Pa, where is this?’ and ‘Pa, where is that?’ Pa is their word for ‘Father.’ Suddenly, she realized what she had done and turned red. She was afraid that she had offended me. I took her aside and said, ‘Ulana, do you have a father?’ She dropped her head and shook it, ‘no.’ I said, ‘I would be honored for you to think of me as your father.’”

Ulana screamed, “Really?” and tightly embraced Charles. “I could feel her sense of relief,” said Charles. “Often, having a good relationship with your earthly father enables people to see God as their loving, heavenly Father.”

“Before we left to come back to the United States for homeland leave, Ulana stood up and shared a heartfelt speech about how she feels like she has a family with us. I believe that is one of our strongest ministries and witnesses – modeling a Christian marriage and home life, so that others would want to create the same loving environment in their homes.”

*Pseudonyms used for security purposes.