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Overcoming fear


It was during my first few months of serving in Monterrey, Mexico that Edgar walked into my classroom. I was teaching tenth grade English at Instituto Laurens to a room full of students.

Being Wesleyan, I know that Jesus had been working in Edgar’s life long before I came along. I just happened to be the person who had the pleasure of watching the seeds grow that others had planted in his life.

I remember the Saturday morning that Edgar and I had the conversation that led him to pray and accept Jesus. Edgar was curious about Jesus, and I was eager to share. We were sitting outside the Starbucks on the top of Anillo Periferico, overlooking the mountains of Monterrey.

Edgar’s family was nominally Catholic; however most of his understanding of Who God is came from a tract he had received. The little booklet had led him to be more afraid of God than in love with Him. As we talked that October morning, I remember watching in awe as the Holy Spirit moved in Edgar’s heart and mind.

I (the missionary) had never prayed with someone to accept Jesus before. And I definitely had not ever had the opportunity to journey with someone throughout their first years as a believer. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I knew I wanted Edgar to know the truth about Who Jesus is.

In the following weeks and months, Edgar’s hunger and thirst for the Word of God grew and grew. He wanted to know Jesus, and he was soaking up everything he read, asking questions, and discovering more and more about this God Who had come to save and love him.

I discipled Edgar that year, then I moved back to the States to go to seminary. I remember worrying about his walk with Jesus and about what would happen if I weren’t there to disciple him. Ha! Of course, the Lord took great care of Edgar and continued to walk closely with him—showing him more of Himself and teaching him what it meant to be in a relationship with Jesus through other missionaries, friends, and a local church.

I moved back to Monterrey three years later and found Edgar, my “little brother,” still in love with Jesus, teaching kids at his church, and being discipled. We picked up right where we left off.

Last month, I got to fly back to Monterrey to be a bridesmaid in Edgar’s wedding. As I stood at the altar, I was filled with overwhelming joy and pride. I never would have imagined getting to be a part of someone’s journey with Jesus in the way I have with Edgar. It has been the greatest gift to watch as God has grown and matured him, drawn him closer to Himself, and equipped him to teach others of His love for them.

Jennie Clements, former missionary to Mexico, lives in Wilmore, Kentucky and serves as a mobilizer with The Mission Society.