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Mission Society Regional Gathering takes place in Costa Rica

A time of personal, spiritual, and community formation for missionaries from North, Central, and South America

“Growth, as illustrated in Ephesians 4:15-16, is both communal and individual.” With those words, Jim Ramsay, vice president for mission ministries, welcomed 94 attendees to the Americas Regional Gathering. A retreat and conference center dotted with palm trees and tropical flowers seven kilometers outside San José, Costa Rica provided the setting for five days of worship, study, prayer, and community for Mission Society staff, missionaries, and guests representing 14 countries and a diversity of ministries.

The week’s theme of FORM—that we are all constantly being formed into the image of Christ as well as being used to form others—was demonstrated through the gathering’s five-fold purpose. It allowed missionaries scattered across the Americas to reconnect with peers, staff, and the larger Mission Society community. It provided professional development opportunities with teaching on ministry skills and missiological practices in sessions such as “Shame and Honor Cultures” and “Ministry Start-Up Mentoring.” Pre-gathering workshops as well as breakout sessions on discipleship, church leadership, marriage, parenting, the implications of incarnation, hosting visitors, contingency preparation, and Sabbath keeping were also offered. Personal development was met through times of teaching, corporate Bible study, worship, preaching, and spiritual formation. The book of Ephesians served as a foundation for inductive Bible study facilitated by Jim Ramsay and for preaching by the Rev. Carolyn Moore, pastor of Mosaic Church in Augusta, Georgia.

Though not a retreat, another goal of this working gathering was to provide a time of intentional rest and renewal for cross-cultural workers. Representatives of Equipping Lydia were present for spiritual direction and teaching on Sabbath renewal. Professionals and member care personnel were available for times of processing, counseling, encouragement, and prayer. Each afternoon several hours were set aside for periods of rest, formation, and interaction. A planned excursion to a Costa Rican rainforest also allowed an opportunity for recreation for adults, youth, and children alike. The final goal of this biannual gathering was that of supporting missionary families by providing a program for missionary kids. MK Member Care Coordinators Vicki Decker and Shawn Ramsay and nine volunteers, including some from Pierce Chapel United Methodist Church in Columbus, Georgia, dedicated time and space to assist MKs in processing their shared experiences, connecting with one another, and establishing their identity in Christ.

All who participated in the week’s events left with a renewed sense of purpose and vision, inspired by President Max Wilkins’ charge to first and foremost make disciples. Several testified to God’s work in their lives during the week through experiencing His healing power, finding deep refreshment, and receiving a newly tender heart. Upon returning home, the Rev. Carolyn Moore shared a reflection on the week on her blog. She summed up the week affirming, “The body of Christ is a beautiful thing. I loved the structure of this gathering. There were Bible teachers, counselors, strategic thinkers, musicians, creative minds, organizers, story-tellers, culture watchers, innovation managers, and prayer warriors all gathered together and all encouraged to share their gifts. Each was able to contribute or receive as they were led. The result was a gloriously restful time of sharing, learning, and growing.”