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Andrew and Margaret Howell have been part of The Mission Society team to France for the past several years. They previously served in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are involved in leading small groups, conferences, seminars, and family camps. Andrew is an elder in the Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. The Howells live in a southern suburbs of Paris.

Here, Margaret describes the transformation of a woman in the Howells’ home group.

Mireille is a precious woman in her 80s. Through the encouragement of a mutual friend, Mireille began attending a group that gathered each week in our home. She was raised Catholic, but was neither a believer nor active.

Over a period of several months, Mireille attended our home group, faithfully coming with her friend. A few months later we lead the first ALPHA Course offered in our local church. She attended faithfully and soaked up every ounce of truth she learned about Jesus and how He gave His life for her.

We began to see a transformation in Mireille’s life. She grew more bold. She repeatedly told us she didn’t know how people lived without Jesus. Mireille found hope, a purpose for her life, and she now loves to share Jesus with her friends and acquaintances. Jesus has resurrected Mireille’s life.

I still remember the first time she prayed at our home group. She was not accustomed to praying and had never done so in public. As we were winding up the meeting that night, I could see that Mireille had something on her mind. She wanted to pray and had written out her first prayer. She wasn’t sure she would remember everything she wanted to say. We all rejoiced to hear her share her heart for the first time publicly with her Lord and Savior!