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Miracle healing brings Hindu family to Christ


Aashvi* and Samar* had shared about Jesus with local villagers in northeastern India for several years. Although they labored tirelessly, they saw little fruit. Unwelcome in any of the homes, Aashvi and Samar often slept near the edge of the jungle at night, where herds of wild elephants roamed free.

After four years of witnessing in this village, only one elderly widow had given her life to Christ. Still, they pressed on and continued to share the hope of Jesus with those whom would listen.

Viraj* was a young boy whose family had been particularly resistant to the gospel. They would not allow Aashvi and Samar near their home. One day, Viraj became ill, slowly worsening despite the best efforts of the local healers. After 15 days without food and several without water, Viraj was on the brink of death.

Viraj’s family was desperate to try anything to save their young son. They looked for Aashvi and Samar, but could not find them. Instead, they found two Christians visiting the village. To this day, it is unknown who the two people were, but they asked permission to pray to Jesus for the life of the young man. As Viraj’s older brother tells the story, the instant the Christians laid hands on Viraj, he began to improve and was soon completely well.

When Aashvi and Samar returned to the village, they were greeted by Viraj’s family, who was now eager to hear about Jesus! Soon, a community church was established, and Viraj’s family became leaders in the church. They often tell their story and share with others what Jesus did for their son, and for their family.

Viraj grew up, married, and still resides in the same village. He recently experienced the miracle healing of his own child, and continues to share the amazing, miraculous love of Christ with others.

*Pseudonyms and stock photo used for security purposes.