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Making disciple-makers


“Just as the torrential downpours of the rainy season have been soaking the parched coastal region of Ecuador, God’s blessings are being showered on the children’s ministry at the EUMC-Jesús de Nazaret church!” writes Sharon Nichols.

Sharon and Graham have served in Santo Domingo, Ecuador since 2014. Recently appointed as the director of Sunday school and Christian formation for the region, Sharon has enlisted the help of volunteers to work together to transform the Sunday school program at their local church.

Previously, two teachers alone with no materials carried the responsibility of leading 20-40 children, ranging in ages from two-to-fifteen-years old each Sunday. In collaboration with these two teachers, new volunteers are now actively engaged and consistent lesson plans are being prepared. Graham and Sharon open their home to teachers each week to gather materials, prepare for class, and plan crafts for their group. Since making these changes, dividing up age groups, and encouraging parents to help their children grow in their faith, attendance has increased to 100 or more every Sunday!

Sharon says of this growth, “More than numbers, to see their excitement as they run up the stairs to pray and sing and learn and absorb—that is the blessing! It’s incredible to be a part of it!”

Graham and Sharon are pouring their lives and ministry into the teachers and volunteers through encouragement, teaching, and discipleship. These teachers and volunteers, in turn, grateful for the opportunity to help make disciples, are investing in the lives of children. These children are now praying for one another and for others. They are singing and celebrating Jesus in song and dance. They are learning each week about the love and faithfulness of God and about His purpose for their lives through Scripture lessons and through crafts that reinforce the teaching. They are participating in the body of Christ, sharing what they have learned and serving in worship.

The end result? Sharon puts her dreams into words, “Disciples in the making, making disciples in the making. Little voices talking about Jesus as they have been taught by those called to teach in our church. They, and we, are a work in process. I love being part of the plan of Jesus to help make disciples in this place.”