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Magd and the motorcycle

The commitment of these four young Indian Christians will inspire you

“Sister Judy*! Sister Judy! We need to tell you! It was wonderful!” Magd* and his young wife, Hana*, their faces full of joy, struggled to find the words in English to share their excitement with me. They had just returned from a trip with their friends, Gani* and Punj*, another young couple, to a neighboring village.

Magd is a young man who serves as one of our hospital’s x-ray technicians. He works six days a week, as well as taking his turn being on call during his off days. Working as a technician is his paying job, but Magd will tell you that it’s simply a means to an end. His real passion is sharing the good news of Jesus to anyone who will listen. 

Hana recently graduated from nursing school and works the night shift in the hospital’s newborn nursery. It is a busy nursery filled with low birth weight babies who are too small, sick, or weak to stay in the ward with their mothers. Just as serious about her faith as her husband, Hana completed a course at a Bible school before entering nurse’s training. She also works a six-day week, and her desire is to spend her spare time ministering to women and children who, due to cultural issues, her husband cannot reach.

Gani and Punj care for and parent 18 orphaned or abandoned girls. They purchased a house near the hospital and also desire to reach their neighbors for Christ. Together, Magd, Hana, Gani, and Punj have been serving the poverty-stricken people in the surrounding villages.

Magd has been traveling on borrowed bikes and motorcycles to get to the groups of men with whom he and Gani have been sharing in these villages. For the last few years, Magd had been praying for God to enable him to purchase a motorcycle. This past January, God did just that!

Through friends of The Mission Society, God has provided a motorcycle for Magd. I ran into him at the hospital this week. With a huge grin on his face, he said, “This motorcycle is even a bigger blessing than I thought! Now we can go to the village even when I’m on call because I can quickly get back to the hospital to take an x-ray if needed! Isn’t that great!?”  

As I witness the enthusiasm these young people have to share Jesus, I get a big lump in my throat. Oh, if we would all be that excited about our Jesus!  

Judy* is a Mission Society missionary and a nurse who serves in northern India. The hospital in which she works provides medical care for 11 million people. She previously served for 14 years in Central Asia.

*Pseudonyms and stock photo used for security purposes.