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Inductive Bible Study transforms lives in Rio


Ben and Jenny Reyes have ministered in Paraguay and Brazil for 25 years. They teach in various settings to equip the local church for mission.

Here, Jenny recounts several amazing stories that happened as she taught an Inductive Bible Study seminar.

A few weeks ago, I was leading an Inductive Bible Study seminar at my friend’s church in Rio. People said that they never saw or thought about the Bible the way they were seeing it at that moment.

The next day, Sunday morning, I start to teach. There was something special – a miracle, if you will.

I had met Thiago the day before. He loved the seminar but he had to leave because of work. What I did not know was that he worked two hours from his house and had to travel by bus. I discovered that he had worked until 4:00 a.m. as a waiter, then traveled two hours home again, arriving home at 6:00 a.m. When we started the seminar at 9:00 a.m., Thiago was there!

He told me he went home crying the day before because he had to leave the seminar. Thiago is hungry for the Word of God, and God is satisfying him with His Word. Thiago told me the most wonderful thing I ever heard, "If I had money, I would pay you to teach me the Bible every day."

Praise the Lord for that, but it was not the only miracle that happened. A man was outside the building listening to the Bible study. When it ended, he came inside and asked if he could have Jesus as his Savior! The pastor prayed with him and he, crying, asked for forgiveness of his sins.

A former Methodist pastor was at the church that day and was impressed with the Inductive Bible Study seminar. He called his sister, who pastors a large church in Rio, and she invited me to present the Inductive Bible Study seminar at her church the next Sunday. 

Please pray for me, that God would continue to use me to do His will through my life.