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Christian and Angelica Dickson serve with The Mission Society in Paraguay, working with youth and agricultural development. Angelica also serves as the director of the Susanna Wesley School, which is located in Quinta Linia.
Here, Christian shares an exciting development in their ministry as a rural area in Paraguay will gain access to proper medical care.
For years, Angelica has prayed for a medical clinic in the small village of Quinta Linia. Quinta Linia is a rural area and the people there have little or no access to medical care. We are constantly confronted with the horrific reality of the ways not having medical care has impacted the people.
Although located only a few miles from a larger town, the rudimentary dirt roads and lack of transportation have made Quinta Linia very isolated.
Several years ago, a young girl died of dehydration at school. After that, Angelica really began to pray about the possibility of opening a medical clinic for the residents of Quinta Linia.
Although Angelica has dreamed and prayed for this, I remained skeptical. The time and cost to open a clinic there would be great, and I did not see how the project was feasible for us.
Thankfully, I don’t have the final say in what God is planning in Paraguay.
We recently found out that the doctor our family sees will not be seeing patients at his clinic any longer. He will be working with the government of Paraguay to place clinics in rural parts of the country.
The Ministry of Health is looking for facilities to place these new clinics, and they are committed to supplying traveling doctors and medications.
A friend sold us some land for the clinic for just $10. We are raising funds to build the clinic facility and purchase supplies.
We are so thankful that Angelica’s dream and prayer will become a reality for the people of Quinta Linia. Please pray with us that the people there will come to know the Living God Who cares for them and can transform their lives.