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Hindu students accept Christ


During The Mission Society’s training in India this past summer, more than a dozen Indian Christians participated in the training. These ministers came from all over India to learn more about cross-cultural ministry. Although originally from India themselves, this multicultural nation offers plenty of opportunities for cross-cultural ministry within its borders.

Venkat is a missionary in India who serves among Hindu students on a college campus. He shared with us how the training had a profound impact on him and his ministry, and ultimately the kingdom.

“What a joy for me to tell you the way the Lord is working in my life that has been a blessing to the college students in India. The Lord has been good to me in leading many students to saving knowledge of Christ, and of course, discipleship has been our focus, but my ministry paradigm and approach has been changed after The Mission Society training. In fact, this training really refreshed my spirit and empowered me with a new vision for the Hindus in India.

“For the first time, I preached in the indigenous context that I learned during the training conference. Instead of presenting the gospel in a forced way, I drew my students out. I listened to them and heard where they were coming from and what were their fears and concerns…even what questions did they have. Then, I gently introduced them to Jesus. I trusted the Holy Spirit to guide me. I was well received. In fact, all of them sat through four sessions with tea and lunch breaks, from morning 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. Thanks be to God, my Hindu students turned to Christ with a repenting heart.

“No one left because God touched their hearts. As a result they stood in His presence as their public confession of accepting Christ as their Savior.

“Most of these students were from a devout Hindu community. Some of them openly confessed their sins and decided to follow Christ in spite of the fact that they would be opposed by their Hindu parents.

“I have been preaching the Word for the past 20 years, but have never seen this kind of positive response from Hindu students. Most of the time I spend answering critical questions and some of the students used to leave the meeting in the middle with a critical mind. Often I had to face critical arguments.

“Surprisingly, this time no arguments…no one left…not many questions.

“Everyone bent their heads in His presence. Some of the students sat with me until midnight for counseling, and there was a time of repentance and healing!”