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From Work to Worship: The Surprising Power of Business as Mission


A conversation with DJ

After serving with TMS Global for 12 years in an unreached area, and as an expert in Business as Mission (BAM), DJ* brings a fresh perspective on how marketplace leaders can advance God’s kingdom.

DJ and his TMS Global teammates were surprised by some recent news. A former worker from their textile business in a South Asian city is now hosting a Bible study in her home—a remarkable step, given that this worker was once unfamiliar with the gospel.

“You pray for these things and feel like they’ll never happen. And then the Lord surprises you!” one member shared.

The business, launched by four TMS Global cross-cultural witnesses, was established to demonstrate the love of God while helping those caught in extreme poverty. Employing artisans from Muslim and Hindu communities, it provides holistic support: free childcare, daily meals, and the option to participate in Bible studies.

Although DJ and his family have moved on, stories like this highlight the lasting impact of this textile business. It continues to bring hope and transformation through Jesus Christ.

As this South Asian business demonstrates, Business as Mission can be a vital mission strategy in regions where traditional ministry is restricted. “The countries with the most unreached people often welcome businesses, not missionaries,” DJ explains. “Christians can live, work, hire, and build relationships in these places, creating unique opportunities to share the gospel.”

Through a network of businesses operating primarily in the Muslim world, today DJ partners with other marketplace believers to share resources, encourage one another, and pray. “We’re working in hard places, but we support each other as we face similar struggles,” he says.

DJ’s passion is to see more and more Christian business professionals going to difficult and unreached areas. “Our prayer” he tells, “is for the Lord to call accountants, teachers, lawyers, engineers, coaches, weightlifting instructors, graphic designers, and Christians in every sphere of society to go into the world to share the gospel and invite people into a relationship with Jesus.”

But DJ passionately emphasizes that Business as Mission (BAM) is a powerful strategy that works everywhere. “There’s a common perception in the church that full-time ministers are the main evangelists tasked with sharing Jesus with the world,” DJ explains. “But a far better approach is for the one percent of Christians in full-time ministry to empower, teach, and help the other 99 percent—those in the workforce—to step into the world, evangelize, and model the character of Jesus in their everyday lives.”

Today, TMS Global’s CCWs serve in Business as Mission through: bed and breakfast, business consultancy, café, cell phone shop, coffee farm, tennis program, outdoor adventure business, textile production, and a woodworking studio.

DJ is teaching from in front of a conference room at Lausanne 4

DJ leading a “collaborate” session on Caring for the Vulnerable and Creation Care at the Fourth Lausanne Congress

Please pray for our CCWs who serve in the marketplace around the world. Ask that that Lord would further His kingdom through their faithful obedience, and that they would be encouraged today, knowing that their labor in the Lord is not in vain (I Cor. 15:58).

*A pseudonym

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