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From an orphan to a biochemist


Mission Society missionary Michael Agwanda coordinates Life for Children Ministry (LCM) in Kenya, which he founded. This outreach provides food, housing, health care, education, and spiritual nourishment to the children with whom it works. Through LCM, orphans are reintegrated into loving homes with their extended families.

Here is the story of Beatrice, an orphan who was forced to beg on the streets until LCM took her in.

Beatrice was born into a loving family in Kisumu, Kenya. She never imagined that she would end up on the streets, an orphan, begging for food.

Beatrice’s mother died when she was only six months old. Later her father remarried and her step-mother loved Beatrice as her own child. Her father and step-mother had a son, Junior, and Beatrice and her brother were very close.

After her father and step-mother passed away, Beatrice and Junior lived with their grandmother. Their grandmother was too old to work and support the children, so Beatrice and Junior begged on the streets for food to survive.

“I used to cover Junior with my clothes when it was cold outside and we didn’t have enough clothes. We grew up together. We suffered together. We begged for food together,” Beatrice said.

In 2007, Life for Children Ministries found Beatrice, then 11 years old, and took her in to their program. Beatrice was sent to school, and LCM paid for her tuition, fees, uniforms, and books. She did well in her classes. She said, “I never lacked anything in school. My fees were paid in full; school shopping and pocket money were provided for me. I was just like the other girls with parents.”

Beatrice’s grandmother passed away in 2012, and LCM paid her funeral expenses. Beatrice was not able to attend the funeral because it took place during exam week. She feared that she would not have a place to live any longer, but LCM staff member Mary Mola took Beatrice into her home. When Mary married, her husband accepted Beatrice into their family. “They have shown me nothing but love,” said Beatrice.

In 2013, Beatrice took her certificate of secondary education and attained a B+. She plans to study medicine and perhaps become a biochemist.

She said, “God has blessed me beyond my expectation. The supporters laid your lives down for me that I may become somebody in the future. All I want to do is concentrate on my studies and make something good out of my life. I will forever remain grateful for everything LCM has given me.”

To enable more orphans to find stable, loving home and the chance to have an education, please consider make a donation to Life for Children Ministry.