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Discovering your call


Grant served as a GreenLight Intern with The Mission Society in Nicaragua with Ronnie and Angi Hopkins. He served primarily in the community of Mira Luz, developing a children’s and youth program, serving with the youth ministry leadership team, assessing community needs, teaching English classes, and helping with other ministry initiatives.

Here, Grant shares how the internship impacted him for the long run.

One of the primary reasons I decided to pursue an internship with The Mission Society was to discern God’s will for my life.

I have always been drawn to missions, so I wanted to see if full-term, cross-cultural ministry was what God wanted for my future. God revealed many things to me about myself during my time in Nicaragua that have matured and strengthen me for a life full of ministry.

Through my time and experience in Nicaragua, I came to understand that the mission field is everywhere. It's in our back-yard, it's down the street, it's in our places of businesses, it's in the US, and in other countries. The mission field is everywhere!

The internship also awakened my passion and love for youth. I loved working with the youth in Nicaragua and feel called to be a youth pastor. While I may be directly serving the local church's youth, missions is always going to be a part of my heart.

The statement, "Youth is the future of the Church," has existed for as long as I can remember. While this is both statistically and logically correct, I believe it suggests a minor misconception. I believe youth are the "right now." The verse, "Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for the believers in your speech, your conduct, your love, faith, and purity (1 Timothy 4:12 GNT)," greatly supports this.

Through the help of the Holy Spirit, I want to expose the younger generation to the mission of the Church locally, nationally, and internationally. I am so thankful that The Mission Society allowed me to experience this internship. Without The Mission Society’s help, I truly believe that I would be fumbling in the dark trying to figure out my purpose. Sometimes God has to take you out of your own context and comfort zone so you can truly see your passions and gifts.

To those considering an internship with The Mission Society, I want to encourage you to do it. God will bless you in more ways than you can ever imagine. I have faith that God will show you how to serve others while serving Him. I have faith that He will reveal His calling for you in the context of your life. Know that I will be praying for you.

Learn more about The Mission Society's GreenLight Intern program and discover opportunities to serve and explore.