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Crockpot discipleship

What to do when you have nothing to give

Sonia was heartbroken. Her mother, and best friend, had just passed away. After the funeral and spending a few weeks in North Carolina to grieve and help her father, Sonia returned to Kenya where she serves with The Mission Society.

“I was so sad one morning and just felt that I didn’t have anything to give,” she said. “I received a text from a woman I had met at an appliance store while shopping for a crockpot. She wanted to meet for spiritual guidance.”

“We met and, after talking for a while, she gave her life to Christ!

“One of the areas of her life that really needed God’s healing was her relationship with her mother. I could barely handle that part of the conversation, as I was missing my mother so deeply. In that moment, God reminded me that I am transformed by giving hope to others. I would use Christ's strength and Mom's faith to help another, just as she taught me.

“A few minutes after we finished talking about her relationship with her mother, her mom texted and wanted to meet with Amana.* Her mom almost never visited her, so it was an immediate answer to prayer. I told Amana that relationships look different with Christ at the center.

“Amana and her mom spent the week together and had a wonderful time. It was very healing time for them, and they have grown closer these past few weeks. I started discipling Amana and she is eager to grow in her faith. Since our initial meeting, she has quit smoking, ended a toxic relationship, worked on her relationship with her mom, and has a more positive outlook on her life and her own self-image.

“I am so encouraged by what I see Christ doing in this young woman’s life. As I decreased, He increased. I just had to be willing to show up and let Him work through me.

“Amana is excited to share her faith with her friends. She plans to walk other people through the discipleship process when she finishes it herself. She already has the vision to make disciples!

“Please pray for Amana as she grows in her faith.”

Sonia Crawley and Sonji Pass coordinate the KenYa Believe It ministry which seeks to empower, equip, and transform the lives of indigenous and marginalized people for a sustainable future and guaranteed eternity.

*Pseudonym and stock photo used for security purposes.