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College student accepts Christ


While on a recent recruiting trip to a Wesley Foundation, I met with several students who were interested in cross-cultural ministry opportunities.

Emma and Rachel sat down with me, and Emma began excitedly sharing God’s call on her heart to serve cross-culturally. After talking with her and hearing her story, I turned my attention to Rachel.

“Tell me your story, and share with me how God is calling you to join Him in missions,” I asked.

“Oh, I’m not really interested. I just came here with Emma,” she responded.

I don’t recall everything Rachel said, but I soon developed a sense that she may not have been a believer. I pulled out some paper and scribbled a picture for Rachel, telling her about sin, God’s great love, and redemption through Christ. I wasn’t really expecting her to say “yes” when I invited her to pray with me to receive Christ. To my surprise, she responded with openness to the invitation. Joy welled up within me. I led her in a simple prayer in which she asked Jesus to be her Lord and Savior.

I connected Rachel with the Wesley Foundation leaders so she would have a support group as she grew in faith. Please pray for Rachel; she mentioned some difficult circumstances at home and needs God to bring healing in several relationships.

Although I went to Wesley to encourage students to explore cross-cultural ministry, I gained a sister in Christ that day. It was a reminder to me that we are all missionaries, wherever we are, and God will present us with opportunities to share His love with others if we are open to following His lead.

Richard Coleman is the senior director for mobilization and candidacy for The Mission Society.