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Proverbs 29:18 states in the KJV “Without a vision, the people perish.” The Message translation of the same verse states, “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves.” If missions is the mission of the church, the question that needs to be asked is, “Does your church have a clear and compelling vision and strategic plan for missions? Check out this article on Cultivating a Collective Missional Community Vision.
It is not uncommon for a church to lack a clear vision and plan for missions. If a vision and plan for missions exists, it is often disjointed and difficult for the even most dedicated member of a church to articulate. Lacking a clear vision and plan for missions may result in a church doing many different things, investing in many different mission-type activities. The old adages of being “a mile wide and an inch deep” or “doing all things good but nothing really great,” uncomfortably resonates with many church leaders.
The message of the gospel is one of light and hope in a dark world. Light, when laser focused, cuts through steel. If your mission plan and vision becomes less defused/confused and more focused/clarified, the result will be greater impact in your mission efforts. People want direction from leaders. When they have it, they are much more willing to follow leaders.
One of the first questions to wrestle with, pray over, discuss with your church leaders, and ultimately answer is, “What does God want us to do for mission in our Jerusalem (local), Judea (regional), Samaria (hard places) and the ends of the earth?” Read more about other questions to ask when creating a strategy in this article, How to Create Strategies for a Missional Vision. Once these questions are answered, you have laid the foundation for an effective vision and plan for missions.
TMS Global offers personalized training and coaching for churches who wish to develop a more strategic mission plan. Visit our website or more information on the training and coaching we offer churches.
Dr. Dean Osuch serves as the director of partner development for TMS Global.