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A youth healed of cancer in Paraguay


Christian and Angelica serve with The Mission Society in Paraguay, Angelica’s homeland. The Dicksons work with children’s and youth ministries as well as in education. Here, Angelica shares a story of the miraculous healing of a youth in Paraguay. 

Christian and I took 10 youth from our church with us to Asuncion. We were helping in the Susannah Wesley School in which I work. One of the teachers, Karina, asked if the youth could go and visit a friend of hers.

We all loaded up in our truck and drove 35 minutes to see Rosio. Rosio was 16-years old at the time and had stomach cancer. She was going through chemotherapy and was scheduled to have surgery two days later.

We talked with her and heard her story. One of the youth brought his guitar and we started playing worship songs. Rosio’s family did not go to church. Her father was a Christian but he married a woman who didn’t want anything to do with Jesus.

We asked Rosio if she knew Jesus and she said, “No.” So we told her about Jesus. I said, “We say we want to pray with you if you want to and we want to tell you about Jesus. We know He can heal you, but He may not do this. But He promised if you receive Jesus Christ in your heart, you can be with Him in heaven.”

Rosio started to cry and we were all crying. Rosio gave her life to Christ. And at one point the Holy Spirit came in and everybody was praying to God.

Rosio went to Asuncion and had surgery. After one week, the doctor checked on her and said, "I don't know how to tell you this, but the cancer is gone."

God always is faithful and no matter what we do or what we think, He always provides healing, love, and, if you open the door, He always is there.

A year later, Christian and I held a youth camp in Asuncion and Rosio came. We couldn’t believe the change in Rosio!

Rosio has such a passion for Jesus and is a missionary now. Her entire family attends church in their town. She tells people about Jesus and is spreading the gospel. She wants everyone to experience healing in their hearts and in their bodies, as she did, because she knows that God is good.