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A Thai student accepts Christ


Chris and Dora Barbee have served in Roi Et, Thailand since January, 2010. They teach English classes, music classes, and disciple Thai youth in their relationship with Jesus. Here, they describe the transformation of a Thai youth with whom they work.

“The Thai people often take seven-to-fifteen years to grow in their understanding of God before they make a decision to follow Jesus,” says Chris. “But we have seen a remarkable transformation during the past 18 months that we have known Tong.”

“Tong is very quiet and has never really fit into a particular clique. He goes against the stream, but has never set himself apart as a leader. He is popular enough, and all of the students like him, but he has always been an anomaly.

“Tong has been coming to the English/Ministry Center in the Banon village since he was a young boy. He is truly interested in learning and growing, which makes him stand out from many of our other students.

“When the students are in 7th grade, they are allowed to attend the Bible and Academic Camps we hold in Bangkok. Tong has attended several of these camps with Dora and me. Many of the students openly follow Jesus. Others attend regularly but express that they have no interest in Jesus – they only want to learn English and have fun.

“During our March/April Bible and Academic Camp, Tong was in attendance. He is so quiet it’s hard to know what he is thinking or how he is processing what we are teaching the kids. Mot, our teammate and a former student of this ministry, was helping to lead the camp. Mot is in college and is a drama major. She had the students tear paper into different shapes to describe what they had learned during camp. Some mentioned the friends they had made; others said they felt more confident.

“Then Tong stood up and picked up a Bible. He said, ‘I couldn't use this piece of paper to describe the effect this book is having on my life. The Bible is the object that best describes my time in this camp over the past four weeks. Nothing else is more important to me, and I want to thank God that He is in my life!’

“Now, one year later, Tong is our most active student in English studies, music lessons, and in Sunday worship. We can see such a change in him each time we sit down to study the Bible together.

“We praise God for Tong’s transformation and ask that you would continue to pray for him as he grows in his relationship with Jesus!”