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Stories & Updates

8 Characteristics of the Future North American Missions Movement
There is no doubt that we are in a time of major changes in what the North American missions movement looks like – some even question whether we are seeing...
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Sample Communications Policy for Churches
If your church needs a great example to develop an effective communications policy, check out this example from University City UMC...
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Himalayan Hub Opportunities
Discover opportunities to serve in our Himalayan Hub. Teachers, pastors, and disciplers needed...
The Mission Society hires Liberian to assist with African ministries
The Rev. Isaac Wheigar joins the staff
The Mission Society recently brought the Rev. Isaac Wheigar on staff as an advisor on African...
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Raising the value of education in the Middle East
In the Middle East, where teachers are often without training and resources, this Mission Society missionary is launching a company to help...
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Thai student experiences Jesus
Um* had been taught Jesus was the prophet of Western religion, so she had never prayed to Him. But her gods were not helping with the anxiety she was facing...
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When the darkness doesn’t go
An abused woman’s journey to belovedness
Anna* grew up in a dysfunctional, alcoholic family and suffered abuse. At the age of 13, she was...
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5 Missionary Models in the Early Church
God is a missionary God. From the moment of creation as told in Genesis, God makes His missionary nature known...
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Mission Society missionary helps plant Japanese church in Nashville
"Focus now on reaching Japanese here in Tennessee," God said to Neal...
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‘Spirit child’ in Ghana receives medical care
At a young age, Peter developed a very high fever which caused brain damage. Due to his disability, people in the village were afraid of Peter and rejected him...
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