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CoLab is a one-to-two-year apprenticeship opportunity for leaders ages 22-35 who want to gain experience in cross-cultural ministry while also making a contribution. Alongside a mentor, you will immerse yourself in a local community, incorporating personal experience, spiritual formation, and practical ministry skills while creating a project that impacts your new community and team.

Get Started

Complete an interest form to begin the process of exploring service with TMS Global. 

Find Your Place

Below are some strategic opportunities that are currently available for people interested in serving a CoLab term. This list is not exhaustive. Please contact our mobilization team to find out more. 

Disciple maker – Spain

Work with a local church on a multicultural team to equip local believers for evangelism and discipleship through small group discipleship. You will have opportunities to share life and live out what being a Christ follower truly means with people in Spain and from around the world.

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Leadership development – Balkans

Join a team in the Balkans who are empowering the next generation of leaders through experiential learning and outdoor adventures while building relationships in order to spark curiosity about Jesus.

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