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Idea Board for the GIC

Decorating ideas:
Browse this Pinterest board for ideas related to decorating for your GIC.

Print examples:
Look through these different examples of Faith Promise cards, Life Commitment cards, and other printed pieces from churches' GICs to get ideas for your church.

Life Commitment and Faith Promise cards combined

Life Commitment cards

Faith Promise cards

Other printed materials

“I wanted to share about how we got into missions, and it really began with a Global Impact Celebration.” Click here to watch Bryan and Beth Tatum’s story. (You will be redirected to our Vimeo page.)

Three times the money! Click here to read Joe and Suzanne’s story.

"Missionaries are very motivational, and they have so many great stories of how they see God at work. Just listening to their stories of being called to cross-cultural ministry is inspiring." - Jake Authier
Click here to read how Heritage United Methodist Church modified their GIC after many years and reinvigorated their experience.