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Board of Directors

A - K
Rev. Chris Akers
Executive Pastor
Antonio Barner
Business Executive
Brad Carr
Rev. Dan Glover
Lead Pastor
John Grant
Attorney and Professor, retired
Janice Harmon
Communications Strategist
Dr. Philipia Hillman, Ph.D.
Management Consultant
Dr. Eduard Khegay, D.Min.
Joey Kirkpatrick
Rocket Scientist and Test Engineer
L - Z
Debra Magee
Medical Equipment Business, retired
Wesley McConnell
CPA, Real Estate Agent, Entrepreneur
Dr. Marsha Mullett
Dentist and Dental Office Business Consultant
Kelly Myrick
Principal Valuator
Rev. Patti Nemazie
Pastor and Pastoral Coach
Dr. Jim Ramsay, D.Min.
President and CEO of TMS Global
Mark Ramsay
Leadership and Organizational Development
Rev. Kirk Sims, Ph.D.
Consultant and Mission Strategist
Beth Tatum
Cross Cultural Worker
Bill Walker
Engineer, retired